At Crosby Primary we believe that our pupils should be given a range of responsibilities to develop their skills for later life.
Our champions focus on improving specific aspects of school life which relate to the world around them.
Our School Council members take a more holistic approach and focus on pupil voice in relation to all school aspects, representing their peers and sharing ideas at council meetings.
Currently we have the following Crosby Champions:
School Council
Led by Mrs Harrison
World Buddies
Led by Mrs Wilson
Eco Ambassadors
Led by Miss Robinson
Reading Ambassadors
Led by Miss Bamford
Technology Ambassadors
Led by Mrs Simpson
This year, each class has appointed two Eco-Ambassadors. They are passionate in leading our mission to make Crosby a greener and more environmentally conscious school. They have been able to take part in workshops about renewable energy, promote recycling through World Earth Day and have just completed an environmental review to inform our agenda.

Reading Ambassadors
Crosby Reading Ambassadors focus on encouraging reading throughout the school. They meet regularly and discuss ways to improve both libraries and how to promote reading. Recently, they have requested a reading shed and raised money for new books, decorations and other items to make the reading shed comfortable for children to use during break times. If you need any reading recommendations, they are your guys!

Technology Ambassadors
The technology ambassadors is a new role in school and we currently have 4 children in the team. It is their job to check all the Key Stage 1 laptops are fully plugged in for charging every night and also check the key stage 2 laptops are ready for use too. They are just learning how to set up the hall laptop for assemblies. They are the best people to ask for help if other children are struggling with logging on issues.

World Buddies
Our amazing World Buddies are here to welcome children who arrive at Crosby needing support with communicating in English. They follow the World Buddy Code World Buddies’ Code 1. Be kind and helpful to new members of our school. 2. Show children what to do in school. 3. Be a friend and a good role model. 4. Translate for new children or find someone who can. 5. Take new arrivals on a tour of the school.