Enrichment and Pupil Voice Lead - Mrs Harrison
At Crosby we provide a wide range of activities to give our children the enrichment and experiences they deserve. Read on to find out about all the amazing things we do at Crosby Primary School.
Activities and Events at Crosby
F2 Visit From The Police
Miss Tooke organised a fantastic visit from the Police in F2. The children enjoyed this visit as part of the PSHE topic where they are learning about People Who Help. The children enjoyed, looking at a police car and van, they tried on some of the uniform and they even had the chance of sitting in a car whilst the siren was on.

King Charles III Coronation
At Crosby, we are proud to be British and celebrate our King’s Coronation. In true British style,the whole school enjoyed a picnic inside (due to the rain) although that didn’t stop the fun. Throughout the day the children were taking part in many activities; art work (portraits, collages and many more); we decorated the school overnight with bunting to surprise the children in the morning; we wore red, blue and white; and some classes even learnt how to play the national anthem on the violin (well done Kestrel!).

Visit to Glanford Park
Year 3 and Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic visit to Glanford Park. Thank you to Mrs Holt for organising this. We had so much fun.

Red Nose Day (Comic Relief)
To celebrate Red Nose Day, the children and staff wore something red to show their support. The children from F2 all the way to Year 6, designed their own ‘Little Miss’ or ‘Mr Men’ and some even created their own Mr/Miss Crosby.

International Math's Day
On 14th March, we celebrated World Math’s Day. All children took part in a fun treasure hunt allowing children the chance to use their reasoning skills for everyday problems. We loved being mathematical pirates for the day.
World Book Day
At Crosby, we celebrated World Book Day in a number of exciting ways. All children and adults were asked to come in wearing comfy clothes or pyjamas. We had an online visit with the amazing author Sarah Oliver (thankyou Miss Green!) where the children took part in a live Q&A session and learnt some tips on writing biographies. Some classes even took part in Book Yoga… Check our Twitter Page to see what each class got up to on this day!
Bathosaurus Competition
In celebration of the Jurassic Earth Show at the Baths Hall, the children took part in designing their own Bathosaurus. Well done to Rubie for winning one of the tickets. Look below to see some of the entries.
E-Safety Day
Being safe online is really important to us at Crosby Primary School. Thanks to Mrs Matthews all year groups took part in E-Safety day. As the theme this year is ‘Keep Talking About It’ all children spent time discussing how to be safe on different digital platforms.

What are the School Council getting up to this summer?
King Charles' Coronation
To commemorate the coronation of our new King, the School Council voted to buy the King’s rose using the money we raised from the Valentine’s Day Disco. We are so grateful to Mr Staples for making a beautiful plaque to go alongside the plant.

Early Bird Club
This is a childcare club which starts at 8am every morning which costs £1.00 per day. We ask parents to pay this via ParentPay for ALL children who attend. This cost is regardless of whether you are in receipt of benefits related to Free School Meals. The club takes place in the small hall and is run by the wonderful Mrs Holt.
After School Clubs

Autumn 2 Timetable
We offer a range of exciting afterschool clubs for children across lower and upper school. Most clubs will change every half term. Please find below a list of all of the clubs taking place this half term.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Mel Bush FS/KS1 Book club | Kate/Grace Year 1/2 Science club (7 weeks) | Mrs Wilkinson Ball Skills Year 5/6 | Marcus T Year 3/4 Scratch club | |
Rachel 5/6 Gardening club (Weeks 5-7) Tuesdays | Jeni/Suzanne KS1and 2 Moody Minds | Mrs Wilkinson Bench ball club Year 5/6 | ||
Mrs Wilkinson Ball Skills Club Year 3/4 | ||||
Mrs Heighton Choir Whole | ||||
Science Garden
The science garden (run, founded and organised by the fantastic Mrs Simpson) has been an on-going project since we moved into this school building in 2016. It was designed to give our children experience of different habitats, a safe place to experience nature and a cool place to spend playtimes! It hugely enhances the natural world aspects of our science curriculum, gives children chances to watch the cycle of seasons and lots of the children have planted things in there. Many of our children remember exactly which tree, plant or flower they helped to plant. As a staff, we have worked hard to source as much funding as we can from charities and other organisations. If you ever see the name ‘Creepy Crawlers at Crosby’ that’s the name we use when applying for funding. The garden is a constantly evolving part of our school, in which we try to include and involve the children as much as possible.
If you would like to see a timeline of the science garden, please click here.

Year 2 and Year 4
At Crosby, we provide swimming lessons at The Pods for all children in Year 5 and Year 6 on Tuesdays at different times in the year. The children are grouped according to their ability and benefit from differentiated lessons with the teachers at The Pods. The children also take part in water safety activities at the end of every lesson sequence to help our children be as safe as possible.
The children in Year 5 have violin lessons throughout the year. They have their own violin (provided for by the school) to practice and enhance their musical skills with. Mrs Hardy (violin teacher) spends 50 minutes each week at different points throughout the year with the children, helping them to become confident violinists.