School Council Lead
Mrs Harrison
About us
At Crosby Primary School, each class has elected one School Council member who attends meetings fortnightly to share the voice and opinions of their class. Throughout the year, we will try to achieve as many things to make the children’s experiences at our school as amazing as possible.
What have we achieved so far?
Halloween disco
Voting stations
Each class representative has had a major role in promoting a core British Value – Democracy. They have each made and set up a voting station in their classes which is being used half termly to vote on something which will have an impact on their time in school. So far, we have voted for our class reps, what we wanted to do at our Christmas parties and most recently, what whole school event they would like to do during the week we celebrate World Book Day.
Road safety
After worries were raised from our local community about the roads around school, the school council members rushed to try and solve a problem. They discussed this with their classes and consequently asked children in school to design a poster to make our adults aware of the dangers of parking on certain roads around school. Our class reps then whittled the entries down (this was a very hard process and took some serious deliberation) but eventually we had our winners. These posters are currently in the process of being made into signs to display in our local community.
Current Council Members
Details to follow soon.