What food is allowed at school?
Please note we are a nut free school. This is to protect people in school with a severe nut allergy – thank you for your support.
Excellent lunches are prepared on the premises by the school meals service. There is a cafeteria arrangement with a limited choice of meals. Children are seated in groups. Children having a school lunch should stay regularly. Crosby Primary School uses a cashless dinner money system called ParentPay. Data is transferred securely to ParentPay from our school database. Parents can then make online payments in advance for lunches and other items. If you require any help or guidance, please call into reception where a member of staff will be happy to help you access the system using a laptop within school.
Please see ParentPay Privacy Notice for more details
Provision is made for children to bring a packed lunch. It should be packed in a clearly named lunch box. Water is provided with the meal. If you should wish to send an additional drink, it should be in a named, unbreakable container. This applies to children with a packed meal only.
Children in Foundation and Key Stage 1 are provided with a piece of fruit daily. Children in Key Stage 2 may bring a piece of fruit for each mid-morning break if desired. This must be kept separate from the packed lunch. Crisps, sweets and chewing gum are not allowed.
What happens at lunchtime?
The time of lunchbreak varies across school. Children eat their meal (hot school meal or packed lunch from home) in one of our dining halls. They have time to play outside. If it is raining, children play quiet games in the classrooms.
Children who go home for lunch should return five minutes before the start of the afternoon session. Pupils who remain at school for lunch cannot leave the school grounds during the lunch break unless given permission to do so by the Headteacher.
Free School Meals
Children of parents who are receiving Income Support or Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance are entitled to receive free meals. Application forms are available from:
Education Department, Hewson House, P.O. Box 35, Brigg, Telephone: (01724) 297217 or from Church Square House, Scunthorpe during office hours.
When parents submit a claim for meals, they should continue to pay until the Education Department has informed the school of parental entitlement to assistance. Parents must pay any dinner money outstanding before their children start to take free school meals.
If you feel your child has become eligible for free school meals, please apply via the North Lincolnshire Council website (see below for link).
For information on free school meals visit the North Lincolnshire Council website.