What is the school uniform?
The school colours are bottle green and grey. A company produces a sweatshirt and T/Polo shirts bearing the logo. All clothing can be purchased from Shah’s on West Street or from local supermarkets. Bottle green cardigans, sweatshirts or jumpers are quite acceptable.
– Top (jumper, cardigan, sweatshirt) bottle green
– Blouse or shirt white
– Polo shirt yellow or white
– Skirt/pinafore grey or black
– Trousers or knee length shorts (not jeans) grey or black
– Summer dress any style of dress/skirt in green and white print or green and white gingham
– Shoes (not boots) black
Children of parents who are receiving Income Support or Income-based Job Seekers Allowance are entitled to receive help with the purchase of clothing. People on a low income may also be entitled to help with clothing. Application forms are available from the Education Department, Hewson House, P.O. Box 35, Brigg (telephone number 01724 2972170 or from Church Square House, Scunthorpe, during office hours.
Children need a suitable change of clothing for P.E.
Indoor: black shorts, white T-Shirt, elasticated plimsolls
Outdoor: black shorts, white T-Shirt, trainers/plimsolls
P.E. clothing should be stored in a small named bag.
On P.E. days with young children, try to dress your child in something which is manageable (shirt buttons, particularly in cuffs are difficult).
Whilst we will try to recover lost property, the school cannot be held responsible for any missing articles. All losses should be reported to the child’s teacher and any property found by the children should be handed in to the School Reception or Class Teacher. Please put your child’s full name on all clothing, P.E./Games kit, Wellingtons etc. Occasionally, you may find that your child brings home small items such as bits of jig-saw etc. Please do not dispose of them but return them to us. Lost property is kept for a short time and can be retrieved at any time.
Year 5 children go swimming and further information is given before these lessons start.
Is jewellery allowed in school?
Jewellery – one pair of stud earrings and a suitable watch may be worn (not to be worn on PE or swimming days).
The school accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to any jewellery or personal items.
All items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name.
Jewellery (including earings), jeans, track/shell suits, Bermuda shorts are not suitable for school and should not be worn.
In the interest of hygiene long hair should be tied back.