Subject Team - English
Miss Bush, Miss Ellis, Mrs Whiteley and Miss Bamford.
Core Learning
Core Learning in Writing is:
- Transcription: Spelling and handwriting.
- Vocabulary, punctuation and grammar
- Composition- plan, draft, practice, write and review.
Our Core Learning strands for writing are taken from the national curriculum.
Core Learning in Speaking is:
- Attention, listening and understanding.
- Vocabulary.
- Speech sounds, grammar and sentence building.
- Verbal storytelling and role play.
- Conversation, social interaction, discussion and presentation.
We teach speaking and writing so that our children can communicate their ideas and emotions to others, participate in society and progress onto the next stage of their education, ready to succeed.
We believe that our children need to be able to write and speak purposefully, for a range of audiences and in varied situations. Our children need to write with a legible and effective style of handwriting and show good application of spelling rules.