It is with pleasure I welcome you to our school website. We hope you and your child will have a happy and successful experience at our school.
Crosby Primary School is a wonderfully unique family, made up of myself, the teachers, support staff, governors and of course, you and your children. Every member of the family is vital in ensuring that this is a happy, caring and successful school; a positive learning environment for all.
Crosby Primary School is situated in the north of Scunthorpe serving a widely diverse, vibrant and multi-cultural community, of which we are very proud. Our purpose built primary school has a spacious, modern design with extensive grounds.
Crosby is a maintained primary school for boys and girls between the ages of three and eleven. There are approximately five hundred and thirty children in our school, including the children in our Nursery.
Our school is an aspirational community where everyone is inspired, motivated and challenged to be the best that they can be.
Miss Sarah Lumley – Headteacher
Working with parents, carers, governors and partner agencies we are committed to:
- Enabling all children to achieve the best that they can
- Offering inspiring experiences within a motivating and challenging curriculum
- Developing creative thinking, positive risk taking and emotional resilience
- Supporting independent and collaborative learning
- Celebrating the diversity of our school community
- Providing a secure, nurturing and stimulating environment that promotes healthy minds and bodies for all
- Promoting shared values of responsible citizenship, trust, mutual respect and understanding
- Fostering strong, caring links with our whole community and an awareness of our place in the wider world
Crosby’s Approach to British Values
British values are promoted through our culture and ethos as well as assemblies, curriculum topics such as Justice and Freedom, and the voice of the school council. The children show empathy and kindness towards each other, and through charity events (e.g. Operation Christmas Child; Harvest; Children in Need), an awareness of the needs of the wider world community.
We benefit greatly from being part of a community very diverse in terms of religion, ethnicity and culture, and celebrate such diversity both through the curriculum and our ethos. As a result of this children understand and appreciate a wide range of cultural influences.