Teachers and Classes

Phase Leader – Mrs Heighton

Cherry – Miss Wagg and Miss Begum (TA2)

Oak – Miss Rutherford and Mrs Mason (TA2)

Pine – Mrs Heighton and Miss Ansley (TA2)

Ash – Miss Potton and Mrs Johnston-Taylor (TA2)

Willow – Miss Butroid and Miss Holt (TA2)

Welcome Leaflet Years 1 & 2


To support your child’s learning, visits and experiences will be booked to enhance our curriculum.

PE Days

Cherry – Tuesday and Thursday

Oak – Monday and Thursday

Pine – Wednesday and Friday

Ash – Thursday and Friday

Willow – Thursday and Friday

Please come to school in the correct PE kit (white top, plain black bottoms and Crosby jumper or cardigan).

Year 2 pupils will have swimming lessons on Thursdays during the Spring Term.

Home Learning

Home learning will be sent home every Friday to be completed by the following Friday.

It will include number activities, reading, spelling, key words and topic related activities as appropriate.