Teachers and Classes

Phase Leader – Mrs Harrison

Hawk – Mrs Jenks and Mrs Naeem (TA2)

Kestrel – Mrs Matthews and Miss Wislowska (TA2)

Eagle – Mrs Simpson and Miss Dalton (TA2)

Falcon – Mrs Tong and Mrs Phillips (TA2)

Owl – Mrs Harrison and Miss Brown (TA2)

Welcome Leaflet Years 5 and 6


In Science, we will be looking at Living things (Habitats), Electricity, Materials (Liquids), Animals (Humans), Evolution and Light.

Other themes throughout this year include:

• Robin Hood’s Bay
• Coasts
• North and South America
• World War II
• Ancient Greeks
• Golden Age of Islam

Children also study RE (Community and Pilgrimage – Hinduism, Christianity and Islam); RSEPSHE (including on-line safety); French; Music (including Violins); Design Technology; and Art and Design.

Our educational visits, will include our Residential Visit to Robin Hood’s Bay in the Autumn and Yorkshire Wildlife Park in the Summer.

To view our curriculum overview for the year, please click here.

PE Days

Our PE days are:

Hawk: Monday and Tuesday

Kestrel:  Tuesday and Thursday

Eagle: Monday and Tuesday

Falcon: Monday and Wednesday

Owl: Tuesday and Wednesday

Please come to school in the correct PE kit (white top, plain black bottoms and Crosby jumper or cardigan).

Home Learning

Home learning (as required) will be directed by the class teacher. Work will be set each week and will include learning tables, spelling, key words and English (Reading), Maths and Topic related activities as appropriate. Children have their own Google Workspace, Mathletics, TT Rock Stars and Big Cat usernames and passwords so they can access this from home too. These passwords will be re-sent at the beginning of term. Reading is still an important skill in Year 5/6 and should be practised regularly through Big Cat.


Reading is the most important subject in school as it helps pupils to access other areas of the curriculum. It is expected that your child will read at home at least 3 times a week. Children have access to Big Cat online. Please encourage them to interact with this program and take the time to talk to your child about what they have read, what has happened and whether they enjoyed the book. There are quizzes that children should try which will register their reading progress.

In addition Reading lessons will continue to develop the skills of Retrieval, Inference, Vocabulary, Prediction, Summarising and Author’s Choice of language. We also have opportunities for independent reading in class and to listen to adults reading a range of texts.