Every year, parents and staff are consulted about the school’s performance and priorities. The Governing Body produce a document outlining these priorities and action plans called the School Development Plan.

Our priorities this year are around:

PRIORITY ONE: To ensure all children receive high quality teaching in the classroom.

PRIORITY TWO: To ensure all children working below age related expectations receive a personalised curriculum to enable accelerated progress. All children in this group narrowing the gap between their starting point and age-related expectations.

PRIORITY THREE: To ensure all children have good school attendance. Crosby attendance to be in line with national.

There is a lot you as parents can do at home to support these priorities.

  • Make sure your child comes to school every day, on time, except when they are very poorly.
  • Ask your child about their day, their work or their interests.  
  • Encourage your child to tell you about anything and everything in lots of detail.
  • Use a wide range of vocabulary when talking to your child.  
  • When you are carrying out jobs and activities at home, talk about what you are doing and encourage your child to join in.
  • Listen to your child reading, or talk with them about what they are reading. Encourage your child to log on to their Big Cat account to read a book to you. Log into Collins Ebooks (collinsopenpage.com) to access Big Cat.
  • Talk to your child about what they are learning to do in maths. Get them to explain it to you!  If they can teach you, it means they understand it properly themselves. 
  • Encourage your child to visit the https://www.mathletics.com/uk/ website 
  • Encourage your child to log on to Times Table Rockstars website at https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/3365
Latest School Development Plan