Subject Lead

The subject lead for Design & Technology is Mrs Simpson.

Core Learning

Core Learning in Design Technology is:

  1. Practical and creative skills. (including disassemble and investigate)
  2. Build a repertoire of knowledge and skills in order to design a product with a specific brief.
  3. Make products according to their own designs and critique them.
  4. Understand the principles of nutrition and learn to cook some savoury dishes.


We teach design technology to equip children with the creative and practical skills to solve real-life problems by designing and making products, including nutritional ones.

Long Term Plan

Medium Term Plans

Each downloadable Medium Term Plan (pdf file) will include the Autumn, Spring and Summer plan for the corresponding cycle.
NB: Year 5/6 Summer plan for both cycles to follow.


Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6