Teachers and Classes

Phase Leader – Mrs Wilson

Mouse – Miss Bamford and Mrs Jenks

Badger – Mr Tredinnick and Mrs Slater

Squirrel – Mrs Wilson and Mrs Jenks

Rabbit – Mrs Robinson and Mrs Jenks

Hedgehog – Mrs Thompson and Mrs Slater

Welcome Leaflet Years 3 & 4


Our main themes throughout this year will be:

Stone Age and Bronze Age


Our Local Area

Rocks and Soils

Electricity and States of Matter

Settlements and Land Use

We hope to carry out educational visits to enhance our learning. We are also hoping to have visitors to come into school to support us with increasing our knowledge.

For an overview of what your child will be learning in each subject over the course of the year, please click here.

PE Days

Mouse – Monday and Thursday

Badger – Tuesday and Wednesday

Squirrel – Monday and Friday

Rabbit – Thursday and Friday

Hedgehog – Tuesday and Wednesday

We suggest children bring their P.E kit in on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. This way, should there be any changes to the timetable, children will still have access to their kit.

Home Learning

Home learning will be set every Friday. This year, our home learning will be accessible through Google Classroom and will include a wide range of activities. Should your child have difficulty accessing Google Classroom due to issues with devices or internet, please let their teacher know as soon as possible.

As well as their weekly home learning, children are encouraged to practice their reading daily and their key word spelling and times tables three times a week.


Children will bring a library book home daily. This is a book that the children have picked to read for pleasure or to an adult at home. As well as this, children will be set books online through ‘Big Cat’. Your child will have a personal username and password for this which will allow them to access reading books set to match their current reading level. Being able to read and developing a love of reading underpins your child’s education. We ask that you support us with this by listening to your child read regularly. If you are unable to access ‘Big Cat’ for any reason, please let your child’s teacher know.